Wednesday, July 29, 2009


Last year when the mortgage, housing, banking, and building industries crashed leading us into an economic quagmire, democrats and company lectured consumers that they should have read the fine print of their mortgage contracts before signing. They refused to accept responsibility for their part in pushing mortgages on to people who could not afford them and deflected the blame for our current economic disaster. Now they are deepening our misery. The very people who lectured consumers to READ contracts before signing them are voting (signing) for legislation without reading the 1,000 or so pages of legalese and endless regulations to be imposed on U. S. citizens and companies. Who do they think they are? Each of the big legislative mandates would change certain aspects of U. S. society but all of them together will catapult our society to a socialist style government and economy. TARP (Bush), Stimulus 1, Cap and Trade, a possible Stimulus 2, Card Check, and Healthcare Reform not to mention the over 20 czars Obama has put in charge of a litany of rapid change efforts are going to CHANGE America. So--how is that change working for ya? That jingling you hear are your keys because you aren't going to have any change left.

You should demand that your representatives and senators READ ALL THE BILLS. The fine print hidden in all of this legislation may be more costly than the main parts of the bills. Don't vote for anybody who votes for (or against) legislation that they did not read EVERY WORD!

Dr. Tom Cocklereece