Sunday, March 1, 2009

Do You Really Want to Win In 2010?

No one can dispute that the dems beat republicans in the last election with their populist message, community orgaizations, and use of social networking. As with past elections, the victor defined a new standard of how to campaign, mobilize and win. McCain's campaign never really had a chance against the organized communication assault from the left. McCain's campaign acted as if "communication" is purely static noun instead of approaching it as a dynamic action. While Obama stayed focused on the three aspects already mentioned, his henchmen in the form of gutless bloggers caused continuous bleeding from thousands of mosquito bites as it were.

Years ago I saw a National Geographic documentary on Alaska in which they focused on the caribou. In the film, a caribou calf died from blood loss due to thousands of mosquito bites. Obama's henchmen bloggers were just as effective at each turn when the McCain/Palin ticket gained some traction.

My point is that conservatives must learn and empower a new generation of communicators to counter and even exceed Obama's tactics. There is a new book titled Say It Like Obama: The Power of Speaking with Purpose and Vision , and I have resisted reading it. However, the best way to win is to learn from the opposition, so perhaps I need to read it. Many conservatives are moral and principled and refuse to used some of the deceptive tactics of the Obama team, but we must get ahead of the curve if we expect to turn the tide in 2010 and essentially limit President Obama to a half term with a great conservative resurgence. The challenge is great since the Obama boiler room has never shut down. Notice the fact that all of President Obama's speeches he has made since taking office have the flavor of the campaign as if he is still running for office. In fact he is still running inorder to keep his agenda and popularity high. He is also using the continuous campaign technique to help his party hold majorities in 2010 and for him to win reelection in 2012.Conservatives must learn to use all communication technologies, social networking, conservative community organizations, as well as a conservative populist message that appeals to the people without compromizing conservative values. We cannot start too soon. The old styles of communicating and mobilizing will bring our own defeat. We need young thinking visionaries who are good at communications, team building, and building relationships. Are you on the team?

Stand Strong!

Dr. Thom Reece