Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Tracking is the First Step to Censorship

In the United States we take our constitutionally granted right to free speech for granted. Perhaps we need to rethink that. Consider the blog quote below cut and pasted directly from the White House blog:

"There is a lot of disinformation about health insurance reform out there, spanning from control of personal finances to end of life care. These rumors often travel just below the surface via chain emails or through casual conversation. Since we can’t keep track of all of them here at the White House, we’re asking for your help. If you get an email or see something on the web about health insurance reform that seems fishy, send it to ."


So if something seems "fishy" report it to the White House. "Since we can’t keep track of all of them here at the White House, we’re asking for your help."

The reports I am hearing about the contents of the democrats healthcare plan proposals suggest that many of the details objectionable to conservatives are buried within one plan or another. I understand that various committees in the House and Senate have variations of proposals. With several plans currently being hashed out the opportunity for plausible deniability of one aspect or another is probable. Of course this is the normal way the branches of government ultimately arrive at a final bill for passage. In the meantime the president and others can admit or deny just about anything regarding the healthcare bill since there are so many versions and proposals. The one asking the question is usually not aware of to which version the answer refers. This is normal everyday inside the beltway POLITICS. But the whitehouse has gone one step across the line playing the Godfather routine.

In the movie "The Godfather" Michael Corleone maintained a degree of separation from his henchmen who carried out activities that were illegal or close to it. That way he could stay above the fray. Of course if anyone dared disagree with the Godfather, the henchmen would go after them and someone might be wearing concrete golashes. The obvious inference is that the Godfather and his inner circle monitored what was being said.

My point is this: here is an official agency of the U.S. government, the whitehouse, sending out messages to those who agree with the current administration's policies asking them to track, monitor, and inform whitehouse officials when other citizens don't agree. What is the next step? Perhaps a note to another government agency to bring actions to bear on that citizen? This indeed is a form of censorship that cannot stand!

Americans, it's time to stand up and be counted. Even if you are for the healthcare plans, what will be the next policy of the government with which you disagree? Whether you are a republican, democrat, independent, or something else, the U. S. Constitution should mean something and no agency or branch of government should have the right to track, monitor, or use citizens against one another unless it has to do directly with terrorism, a crime, or the conspiracy of such. Consider the following:

"First, they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out because I was not a socialist. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me, and there was no one left to speak for me."
(Martin Niemoeller in "Dietrich Bonhoeffer," Christian History, no. 32.)

Are you next? Is the whitehouse monitoring your emails, blogs, phone calls, etc.? Where is the outcry?

Dr. Tom Cocklereece

Wednesday, July 29, 2009


Last year when the mortgage, housing, banking, and building industries crashed leading us into an economic quagmire, democrats and company lectured consumers that they should have read the fine print of their mortgage contracts before signing. They refused to accept responsibility for their part in pushing mortgages on to people who could not afford them and deflected the blame for our current economic disaster. Now they are deepening our misery. The very people who lectured consumers to READ contracts before signing them are voting (signing) for legislation without reading the 1,000 or so pages of legalese and endless regulations to be imposed on U. S. citizens and companies. Who do they think they are? Each of the big legislative mandates would change certain aspects of U. S. society but all of them together will catapult our society to a socialist style government and economy. TARP (Bush), Stimulus 1, Cap and Trade, a possible Stimulus 2, Card Check, and Healthcare Reform not to mention the over 20 czars Obama has put in charge of a litany of rapid change efforts are going to CHANGE America. So--how is that change working for ya? That jingling you hear are your keys because you aren't going to have any change left.

You should demand that your representatives and senators READ ALL THE BILLS. The fine print hidden in all of this legislation may be more costly than the main parts of the bills. Don't vote for anybody who votes for (or against) legislation that they did not read EVERY WORD!

Dr. Tom Cocklereece

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Do You Really Want to Win In 2010?

No one can dispute that the dems beat republicans in the last election with their populist message, community orgaizations, and use of social networking. As with past elections, the victor defined a new standard of how to campaign, mobilize and win. McCain's campaign never really had a chance against the organized communication assault from the left. McCain's campaign acted as if "communication" is purely static noun instead of approaching it as a dynamic action. While Obama stayed focused on the three aspects already mentioned, his henchmen in the form of gutless bloggers caused continuous bleeding from thousands of mosquito bites as it were.

Years ago I saw a National Geographic documentary on Alaska in which they focused on the caribou. In the film, a caribou calf died from blood loss due to thousands of mosquito bites. Obama's henchmen bloggers were just as effective at each turn when the McCain/Palin ticket gained some traction.

My point is that conservatives must learn and empower a new generation of communicators to counter and even exceed Obama's tactics. There is a new book titled Say It Like Obama: The Power of Speaking with Purpose and Vision , and I have resisted reading it. However, the best way to win is to learn from the opposition, so perhaps I need to read it. Many conservatives are moral and principled and refuse to used some of the deceptive tactics of the Obama team, but we must get ahead of the curve if we expect to turn the tide in 2010 and essentially limit President Obama to a half term with a great conservative resurgence. The challenge is great since the Obama boiler room has never shut down. Notice the fact that all of President Obama's speeches he has made since taking office have the flavor of the campaign as if he is still running for office. In fact he is still running inorder to keep his agenda and popularity high. He is also using the continuous campaign technique to help his party hold majorities in 2010 and for him to win reelection in 2012.Conservatives must learn to use all communication technologies, social networking, conservative community organizations, as well as a conservative populist message that appeals to the people without compromizing conservative values. We cannot start too soon. The old styles of communicating and mobilizing will bring our own defeat. We need young thinking visionaries who are good at communications, team building, and building relationships. Are you on the team?

Stand Strong!

Dr. Thom Reece

Friday, February 27, 2009

Republicans are Drinking Obama-Aid

Eric Cantor (R) U.S. House of Representatives 7th district, VA Republican Whip was interviewed on Fox News on 2/25. His comments admiring President Obama's 2/24 speech sounded like a RINO to me. I wonder if he has at least tasted the Obama-Aid. Since then I have heard many other republicans give glowing comments of President Obama's speech even to the point of seemingly agreeing with some of his policies. Has the GOP totally gone RINO? I sure hope not. I have serious doubts that a new third party of conservatives can win. In fact I think dividing conservatives is part of the strategy of the dems to keep their power. America does not work with one party rule of either party.

President Obama's boiler room never shut down after his victory. During the election I identified then candidate Senator Obama as "The Godfather" of American politics because of his style of projecting a positive message while his henchmen destroy all opposition. Like Michael Corleone in the movie, President Obama purposely maintains several degrees of separation between himself and those who do the dirty work. There is plenty of evidence for it if the media would get over their love affair with him. Rick Santelli had the audacity to state his opposition to the president's policies openly on a live broadcast on CNBC. The Whitehouse press secretary inserted nonsequitur comments about Santielli's house as if to declare open season on the newsman by other press reps. Note: If you are in the media and ever state opposition to the current administration's policies, you will be silenced. Where is the free press and where are freedom-loving conservatives? Why are the press and republicans drinking Obama-Aid? I agree with Rush Limbaugh; I personally wish President Obama well and pray for him, but I hope his policies fail, because they are anti-American.

Join and then the group "Republicans Against RINO's." We must be a part of a movement to effectively limit President Obama to a half term before he destroys America as we know it.

Stand Strong!

Dr. Thom Reece

Thursday, February 26, 2009

No Such Thing As "Centrist Republican"

A friend named Cris on tcunation offered the following insight regarding the term "centrist republican," a term often used by the left to describe republicans who have won their favor on whatever issue. The three senators of whom Cris wrote are Snowe, Collins, and Specter who are well known as RINO's.

The term "Centrist Republican" is a misnomer 2/09/09 (The three selfish, disingenuous Senators)

"These confused Republicans are the reason for the party losing its way. One can not be partially evil, a little deceptive, or only sometimes, make policy choices at the expense of the citizenry based on an ulterior agenda. Today, there is no such thing as a centrist Republican. The Democratic Party is not the party it was when this term was applicable. We must not perpetuate and embrace Liberal ideological diction which is aimed to distort pre-established definitions. If one side is hot and the other is cold, than the centrist is warm. However, if the cold pole barometer is shifted to -273 C, or zero degrees Kelvin, the center variable will indisputably shift. Today’s Democratic Mantra unambiguously represents the principles of socialism. Therefore, it is both imprudent and illogical to even classify these disingenuous Representatives as Republicans, for they are spineless politicians driven by ulterior motives."
Thank you Cris for pointing out that which should be obvious to thinking conservatives--the fact that the left has shifted to the extreme end of the political spectrum on the left. For a "republican" to be considered a centrist by the left, he or she must really perform some political gyrations as if playing the old game "Twister." If they are "centrist republicans" they are not conservatives, so they are RINO's and must be voted OUT! If you are a RINO, count on being busted!

Dr. Thom Reece

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Donald Keough wrote a great book titled The Ten Commandments for Business Failure in which he states one of the commandments for failure is "Play close to the foul line." President Obama and both houses of congress are infact playing close to the foul line as ethics means nothing unless it is the opposing party. Funny thing is that Keough is right--if these people (Obama, Frank, Plossi, etc)--were in business, they would already be bankrupt. Why do Americans pay no attention when politicians (especially dems) play close to th foul line? I have the answer: The dems also play close to the fowl line.

My last article discussed how the policies of the newly elected administration essentially makes us a nation of cowbirds that are dependent upon others for everything ( The English language is funny with words that mean different things but sound the same such as "foul" and "fowl." Indeed, the "stimulus" bill is a foul fowl bill as it makes many dependent upon others but it also does exactly what the dems want--it makes many dependent on the state and specifically them as never before. They are more concerned with consolidating their long-term power than they are for improving the economy or your situation. In fact that is exactly what they are trying to do. Don't think for a moment that the Obama administration is "green behind the ears" and simply inexperienced. Don't think for a moment that they don't know what would help the economy because in fact they do. The problem is doing the right things to help the economy and America would definitely hurt their effort at consolidating their power.I fear we are on the slippery slope to the United Socialist States of America. No, I am not ready to give in. In fact I have just begun to write and I am ready for a TEA PARTY! The cowbird--what a foul fowl.
By the way, RINO's (Republicans In Name Only) by definition always play close to the foul fowl line!

Join and the group "Republicans Against RINO's" (republicans in name only)

Dr. Thom Reece

Monday, February 23, 2009

A Nation of Cowbirds

In the Fall of 2008 President Bush signed the "bailout" bill of almost $1,000,000,000,000 and now President Obama has almost doubled it by adding another ~$800,000,000,000. Where does it end? The result of all of the government money floating around is that the self-reliant citizens become more frugal while the dependent people become more dependent. The same is true for businesses as those that value hard work and innovation are digging in and becoming more efficient, while the companies on the edge that have bad business models and practices are turning to the government for help. Add to this the daily ranting of President Obama about how bad the crisis is, such as in his speech on Wednesday he used the word "crisis" 25 times. You often get what you wish for, and the dems have talked the economy down for the last two years.

I believe the dems are spreading the fear on purpose as long as it helps them and their agenda.Everyone wants a handout, and it seems that we are becoming a nation of cowbirds--passing essential responsibilities on to somebody else. The picture posted here is the Bronze other cowbirds lays its eggs in the nests of other birds, usually sparrows, so they have to raise its children. The cowbird spends no enegy of its own raising its own offspring. I am also reminded by a friend that when the female cowbird lays her eggs in the unwitting host's nest she pushes the host's eggs out to eliminate them. My friend Les C. rightly stated, "A happier ending would be that the little sparrow realizes that he is feeding impostors; slackers; parasites, if you will, and boots them out of the nest to live or die by their own doing never letting it happen to him again."

Is this where we are headed? It is if the dems and President Obama have their way. Instead of the bold independent and loyal bald eagle as a national symbol, the dems are making us nation of cowbirds--depending on others, depending on the government, and dependent on other nations.

The rapid rate of change being engineered by the current administration demands equally rapid action of conservatives. Remember that President Obama began running for president about three years ago. The fact is he never shut down his boiler room after winning in 2008. It is clear that his style is to perpetually run for reelection. Why else would he spend $600,000.00 to fly Air Force 1 out west and back just to proclaim victory for his "stimulus" plan? He is still presidential candidate President Obama. Conservatives had better wake up to the new normal for elections and get busy now if there is any chance to turn the tide in 2010.


Dr. Thom Reece